Gay sex club berlin

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It’s a Sunday afternoon, and though Berlin is a very permissive place, the old folks taking their grandkids to the lakes don’t need to see me in all my Bergs glory. The sight is my cue to take my top off and buckle up my leather harness. I can see it: the unmistakable concrete facade of the power plant turned sanctuary of hardcore techno and queer hedonism. I’ve just stepped onto the dusty path leading to Berghain. Keep an eye on her Dyke Nightlife Diaries here. She’s written about the thriving scenes in New York, San Francisco, Bogota, São Paulo, Berlin, and Dublin so far. She documents the atmosphere, music, fashions, vibe (are you going to get laid or make new mates?), and those behind the nights.Ĭlare decided that it wouldn’t be right to only document dyke nightlife in one city, so she packed her bags and hit the road. She’s spent the last year writing about queer women’s nightlife in her city. Clare Hand is a self-described flaming London lesbian.

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